Invitation General Assembly summer 2021

Hello dear students of the students of the “Fachschaft” 7/3!

We would like to invite you to the “Vollversammlung” (General Assembly). On Tuesday, 04.05.2021 at 10.30 a.m. the “Vollversammlung” will take  place. From 10.15 a.m. to 2.15 p.m. on this day there will be an extra  „Dies“, which means that no regular lectures/events will take place  during this period.

At the “Vollversammlung” you can inform yourself about the work of the student council (“Fachschaft”), make suggestions for improvement or voice criticism, exonerate the student council, and elect a new one. This means that you can pass your vote of confidence in the current Student Council members and assure possible new candidates of your support. By casting your vote, you legitimize the future student council to stand up for your interests in the faculty and the university. You are therefore warmly invited to participate in the “Vollversammlung” and to cast your vote. The main language of the event will be German.

This time the “Vollversammlung” will take place via Zoom. We hope that many of you will be able to participate online. With the following link you will get into the Zoom room:

Topic: Vollversammlung der 7/3

Time: 4.Mai.2021 10:30 AM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rom, Stockholm, Wien

Join Zoom-Meeting

Meeting-ID: 979 6257 8443
ID code: 014902

Attached you will find an application form (in German), which you can hand in at the “Vollversammlung”. The new Student Council will then take care of processing them. Please fill it out beforehand and send it to us scanned or by photo! If you have a request that you would like to formulate as a motion, but are not sure how best to do so, please contact us!

Preliminary agenda:

      *item 1:  Opening and greeting

      *item 2:  Election of the chairman of the meeting and the recorder

      *item 3:  Approval of the transcript of the last “Vollversammlung”

      *item 4:  Approval of the agenda

      *item 5:  Report of the student council

      *item 6:  Cash audit report

      *item 7:  Motions of the last Vollversammlung“

      *item 8:  Feedback of the students

      *item 9: Exoneration of the student council

      *item 10: Suggestions of the students

      *item 11: Motions

      *item 12: Elections

      *item 13: any other business

We are looking forward to meeting all of you!
Kind regards

Your student council 7/3