Introduction Week Information & Moodle Room Enrollment Links
Dear First Semester Students,
we are very happy that you are now part of RWTH Aachen University and especially of our student body. We are aware that it is not only a challenge for us this year, but also for you! Nevertheless, we try to do our best to give you a good start into your new phase of life.
The introductory week starts for you on 04.10.2021 at 10 am. The most important organisational points will take place online, for which the RWTH uses the platform „Zoom“. However, there is also the possibility to take part in the programme in presence within a tutorial (please note the 3G regulations!). You will receive further information about this in your tutorial. To participate in the first event, the introduction of the rector, you need the following link:
You do not need an account for this, but can simply join the event via the link in your browser. After the introduction of the rector, we will introduce ourselves to you as representatives of the student council of Communication Science & Psychology and present you with the course of the introductory week as well as other important information.
In addition, you should soon be assigned to a Moodle room of our student council. If this is not the case, you can also simply enrol in these Moodle rooms yourself, as you will receive important information for the course of the introductory week:
For all Bachelor programmes, please use the following link:
For all Master’s programmes, please use the following link:
To keep up to date, you can also visit our Instagram page (@fs_kowi.psych), Facebook page ( and our homepage (
If you want to know what the general schedule of the first semesters week looks like, you can check it out here:
We are looking forward to meeting you and having a great first week together!
Stay healthy and see you soon!
Your Student Council 7/3 Communication Science & Psychology
The following degree programmes belong to our student council:
Psychology, Linguistics and Communication Studies, Technology Communication, Digital Media Communication, Empirical Educational Research, Computational Social Systems